Ministry of Prayer
Prayer summons each of us to witness a personal relationship with Jesus Christ for a fuller union with God, our Father. In our prayer and sacramental worship, the Spirit reveals to us something of the mystery of God’s love and mercy. We discover the truth of who we are in our faithful experience of regular times, places and forms of prayer. As we persevere in facing God, our common mission becomes clearer.

Prayer of John England

Blessed Jesus, I devote and consecrate myself this day to your honor and service, in whatsoever way it pleases You to dispose of me. Direct my superiors to point out that path whither You wish me to go, and give me the grace to obey. Holy Virgin, Mother of my Savior, I place myself under your special patronage; obtain for me from your Son all the graces which my weakness stands in need of. Protect me in life and defend me in death.
Card design by Sr. Mary Thomas Neal, OLM.
Mother Teresa Barry, Co-Foundress (top) Bishop John England, Founder (bottom) Small icons represent (l-r) Education, Health Care, Outreach and Prayer Ministries of OLM Sisters.