2016 General Chapter Direction Statement
We, the Sisters of Charity of Our Lady of Mercy, a diocesan community founded in 1829, strongly commit ourselves to:
- Embrace Gospel values, especially those of our charism, in all of our activities and decisions;
- Strengthen community through an active prayer life and encourage balance in the physical, spiritual, and psychosocial aspects of our lives;
- Support one another in community as difficult decisions are being made;
- Discern and trust God’s plan for us;
- Respond generously to the needs of others, especially the poor and elderly;
- Share our charism and tell our story through the Associates and others.
We ask leadership to:
- Explore options for the distribution of assets, focusing on our mission and the needs of our time;
- Examine and share scenarios for future governance;
- Search for methods by which we can tell the OLM story and keep our legacy alive;
- Provide opportunities to engage in meaningful dialogue on issues and decisions pertaining to our future;
- Provide opportunities to assist us in creating balance in the physical, spiritual, and psychosocial aspects of our lives.